Shoelace Recommendations - NIKE Flyknit Racer Sail Volt Black

nike flyknit racer sail volt black

Shoe Colors

White, Black, Volt Yellow.

Laceswap Recommendations

Another Flynit Racer using the white, black and volt combination. First we had the Oreo Volt and now this. One begins to wonder if NIKE is running out of ideas for its colorways. However, the thing about Flyknits is that you can combine and mix the same colors and come up with a brand new colorway, and it will still look good! See below for my recommendations on what shoelaces to use.

2tone oreo rope shoelaces2tone reverse oreo rope shoelaces


Visit us at Singapore's and South East Asia's Premier Brand of Shoelaces. If you think there are other colors and would like to recommend some other laces, feel free to drop me an email.

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