How To Lace Your Sneakers / Swap Your Shoe Laces : ADIDAS NMD R1 Red Apple 2.0

How To Lace Your Sneakers / Swap Your Shoe Laces : ADIDAS NMD R1 Red Apple 2.0

Shoelaces / Laceswap Recommendations for NMD R1 Red Apple 2.0

The original Red Apple which dropped last August is arguably one of the most expensive NMDs on the resell market right now. Last I checked, they were reselling for over $2,250 dollars. Not bad for just a pair of red sneakers. But fret not, for the fams who wants a piece of this, a sequel is well on its way to retail stores.

We get a detailed look at the Red Apple 2.0. Not much difference, except the colors of the stripes have changed from red to black for a more contrasting look. Midsole bumpers have also changed from white to red. This is a definite must-cop for my shoe collection.

For such a sweet pair of kicks, I will not change up the laces and stick to black. Click below to purchase some replacement laces. From my experience, these NMDs will probably ship with laces that are long enough to to tie a lasso. Get our black flat laces at a sweet length of 80cm, which is perfect for NMDs.

Check out our most popular laces collections. 

BOOST / NMD Shoelaces 

- Rope Laces

3M Reflective Rope / Flat Shoe Laces

Visit us at Singapore's and South East Asia's Premier Brand of Shoe Laces. If you have any other ideas on matching colors and would like to recommend some other laces, feel free to drop me an email. Join our Facebook Group (BOOST SG) for a community of laceswap lovers!

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